"What's your pick?"
That was the question our team asked youth at pop-up events to gather their thoughts on the top priority for the future of the City of Markham. Facilitated by an interactive spin-the-wheel trivia game to win free Timbits on toothpicks, participants were asked to use their toothpicks to vote on their top "pick" of four priorities as outlined in the City's Strategic Plan (Customer Service, Diversity & Economy, Safety & Sustainability, Stewardship of Resources). This fast, fun, and casual engagement activity was effective in educating youth on the City's role in building infrastructure and providing services, while also giving the City insight into youth's priorities. Urban Minds also assisted the City of Markham in creating and launching a Youth Instagram Contest aimed to drive youth to register on the Your Voice Markham platform and complete their online survey. The 2020-2023 Strategic Plan will reflect youth's feedback and serve as an important guiding document for Council and senior staff as they make decisions for the future of Markham. |